Overdue Update

8:28:00 PM

Are we long overdue for an update or what?! Since we were pretty burned out when we moved in, we have been taking our time and picking away at projects at a slower pace. That doesn't mean that we haven't accomplished a lot though!

Our first couple weeks, we lived without interior doors, which of course included the bathroom. All of our poor guests only had the privacy of a curtain! We did finally get doors ordered and installed, but not without some pretty big snags due to a miscommunication with the building supply company!

We also have installed a flat stock trim in most of the upstairs. We still have to patch the nail holes and paint the trim, which we joke about being one of those tasks that won't done until we put the house up for sale!

Don't worry, I'm getting to the basement updates, but to distract ourselves from that big headache, we worked on some little projects, like adding a towel bar and ring in the bathroom.

After living with this completely unorganized situation for about 2 months (I couldn't even reach anything in the bottom of the cardboard box because it was so tall!), one night I begged Martin to go with me to Ikea to get a dresser so we could get the situation under control. Leave it to Martin to set a record for the fastest Ikea trip in history with a total of 5 minutes in the store!



We do have a closet in our room for hanging storage, but a new dresser was seriously the best way to force myself to get rid of all of the clothes that we don't need or wear. Such a good feeling (I'm am doing my best to carry this concept through the whole house)! Now I just have to get them beyond sitting in a box in our spare bedroom!

Now onto the basement! Martin demoed the basement one day while I wasn't home and what I came home to was nothing short of a disaster. It's been demoed for about 3 months and goes back and forth between showing progress and being a terrifying sight. I do think things are turning the corner!

In the bathroom, we tore out the raised tub that had two steps to get up to it for the plumbing to live underneath. In order to fix this, Martin and his dad had to cut through the concrete and tie in a new plumbing line for a new corner shower. What a mess! They also changed the plumbing for the washer so that it would be on the same wall as the dryer, like it should have been from the start. Bonus - it left us with a little nook for a new wash tub!

I'm so happy that things are finally starting to come together and get cleaned up! We also just finished up some electrical work to make switches more functional. The only major things left before new drywall are to run cable to the basement and install a new dryer vent.

One last update: Spring has sprung in Maryland! Here are some of my favorites from April!

Enjoy your warmer weather wherever you may be!

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  1. Where did you get the white dresser from? I LOVE it, and have not been able to find it anywhere!


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