We Built a Farmhouse Table

6:51:00 PM

We finally decided to ditch our tiny Ikea dining table and get a grown-up table to gather around with friends and family. It didn't take me long to find out that we could build a real wood table for the same or less than the cost of a low quality table from a home store. I did some searching on Pinterest and fell in love with this farmhouse table here. Those truss beams had me all heart eyed!

With an open floor plan, I didn't want the table too close to the living room area so we made it 15" shorter than called for in the plans and I'm so glad we did! That would have been WAY too big! It is the perfect size and will easily fit two people on each side, as well as one on each end.

We found all of our lumber during a late afternoon trip to Lowe's and by the end of the night, we had a table that was sanded and ready to be stained.

(Excuse our hot mess of a basement! There will be an update on that soon. It does make for a good workshop though!)

For the stain, we used a 2:1 mix of Minwax Classic Grey with Dark Walnut and finished it with a clear matte polycrylic finish.

The finished product!

We weren't feeling too confident in the strength of the breadboards at the ends so we added L-brackets that we painted matte black to add a lot more support, and that they do. The only time you can see them is while sitting on our couch, but I'm kind of liking them!

I'm so impressed by Martin's building skills and how handy he is getting on all of our projects!
We are excited for the memories that will be made around our new table!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the look of the smaller table. What were the final dimensions once complete of both length and width? Also, now that you have used, do you have any regrets with making it small? Thanks!

    1. Hi there! Our table ended up 39"W x 71.5"L (totally random dimensions, I know!) We think the size is perfect for our space and it fits two chairs on each side very comfortably! Thanks!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Was the ratio of of stain 2:1 with there being more classic grey? Could you give more detail about the process? We are about to stain our truss table but this will be my first time mixing a stain and I'm nervous!

    1. Hello! This was our first time staining too! Yes we definitely used more classic grey to get the grey tone. I'm not 100% sure of the final ratio we ended with, but it was quite a small amount of dark walnut. My biggest recommendation is to mix some up in a small batch to do some test boards that is the same as the wood you used for your table. We did a lot of tests before we got to a color we loved then we just went for it! Good luck!!!

  5. What type of wood did you end up using? How's the table holding up so far? Any issues w/ the bread boards or general table top warping? I'm about to start the same project and looking for input anywhere I can get it.

  6. Thank you so much for such an informative piece of information :)
    If anyone interested similar one's have a look here
    farmhouseall blog



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